Thursday, May 26, 2011

Microsoft Office Professional 2007 Full Version

Microsoft Publisher 2007: Render Pictures Quicker Onscreen for Slower Computers or Complex Documents

If you run Microsoft office 2007 on a slower machine, viewing a complex document containing many pictures and needing to frequently zoom in and out, rendering speed may suffer. To compensate, you can force Publisher 2007 to render images onscreen quicker with less detail, or to not render images at all. Either of these options should not affect printouts.
1. Select “View” – “Pictures”.
2. A “Picture Display” dialog appears. Either select “Fast resize and zoom” to display pictures with less detail or “Hide pictures” to hide pictures altogether. Later on if you want to restore image detail onscreen, come back here and select “Detailed display”.
3. Click “OK” to save your settings.